Sunday, December 11, 2011

Are you ready for some football?

I decided that since I made a cute owl hat for my niece, that her brother, Buddy needed a hat, too.  I found lots of cute patterns that I had a hard time choosing from. If this viking hat pattern would have been free, I would have made that for my Minnesota nephew.  But, I'm too cheap to pay for a pattern right now so I made him this football beanie instead.  At least he'll still be able to support the Minnesota Vikings, and everyone knows they can use all the support they can get this year.
Here's Buddy's finished football hat
Homemade Christmas hats for Punky and Buddy!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mom and Me Spa Retreat

Last weekend, Leah and I went to the Mom and Me Spa Retreat at the girl scout camp.  We were kept busy and had lots of fun.  No crocheting over the weekend, but we did get to do some other fun crafty and spa things.
We painted nails.
Made facial masks

Decorated the Christmas Tree
Painted faces.
Made bath salts for Christmas gifts.

And made Christmas ornaments. 
We also had a yoga workout in the morning, and made tied fleece scarves.  It was a busy 24 hours!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Whoooo's getting better at this crochet thing? Me!

Last night I decided to take a break from the endless granny squares and try to make an owl hat for my niece, Punky.  I found a  free pattern online and was off to the craft store for yarn.  I used a textured yarn, and while I love how it looks, boy was it a pain to work with!  I'll try one more hat with the same yarn, but if it stays that difficult, I'll probably switch to the yarn I used when I made my shoplifting mittens.

Leah modeling her cousin's new hat.
I stayed up WAY past my bedtime last night to finish the owl hat because I wanted to take it to work today to show Ruth (it was her Friday, after all).  Everyone thought it was cute or else they were just too polite to tell me what they really thought.  I think it's absolutely adorable and can't wait to see little Punky in it!
I'm really starting to get into this crochet thing!  Maybe that etsy store is closer to opening than I thought.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

etsy store?

So this weekend, my parents and sister and her family were here for Thanksgiving.  It was the first time my sister has seen my crochet handiwork.  I told them I'm thinking of making little crochet baby hats and selling them on etsy.  The hats I've seen go for anywhere from 12 to 30 dollars!!!  Maybe I could make a little money on the side.  After I get a little bit further along with Abby's blanket, I think I'll make one or two and see how it goes.  So, if anyone out there is interested in a cute little baby hat, just let me know and maybe you can be my first customer!

And a blanket for the big sister, too

Well, you can't do something for one daughter without doing the same for the other.  Abby looked for patterns and decided on a granny square blanket.  This will be my biggest project so far.  When it's complete, it will be 8X9 squares.  So far I have 6 squares done.  Abby picked out the colors herself, and she was happy that they looked good together.

Snuggly blankies

Leah has loved her snuggly blankies since she was a little baby.  She was eager for me to finish my hat and mittens so I could make her a new snuggly blankie.
 She sleeps with her new blankie every night and says it's her new favorite.  Score one for mom.
With the leftover yarn form Leah's blanket, I made a few of these super cute flower dishcloths.

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks.......

Recently, I taught myself how to crochet.  So now, I'm going to lean how to blog about the things I've crocheted.

So, my first "real" crochet project was a hat and mittens to match my winter coat.  I've been looking at stores for a long time, and just can't find anything that matches my purple faux-hart coat.
I used a bulky weight Charisma yarn from Michaels to make a beanie (with an added pompom because when I joined my beginning chain it laid funny) and what I call my shoplifting mittens.  Look at the size of those thumbs!!!!  I could put anything I wanted into them and walk right out of a store unnoticed.  But, they are warm, and I think the thumbs give them character.